According to author, inventor, and father of digital marketing Mark Joyner, if you’re not worried about where we’re headed as a global community, “you’re not paying enough attention”.
This keynote, delivered during the Philippine Blockchain Week conference, explored the exponential growth of information and technology and the risks that come with it. Joyner highlighted that we now experience a paradigm shift in one field or another every single day. And that this rapid growth is characterized by five phenomena: everything is becoming faster, smaller, more powerful, more available, and cheaper.
Using the analogy of “seeing the battlefield”, he stressed the importance of understanding the broader picture of our rapidly advancing world, especially in light of our cognitive limits as humans of how much information we can process at once.
This “complexity gap”, Joyner said, is the foundation of what he believes to be the great conflict of the future: a struggle between fast-moving technology and slow-moving government. Technology is advancing faster than our ability to regulate or understand it fully, he claims. And it is the responsibility of both the innovators and the regulators to ensure that we’re paving the way towards a better world, not towards catastrophe.